Here are some fuzzy pictures of the MAME cabinet. The light on it threw
off the autofocus, I think. I'll try for some better ones later.
Vinnie, the dog in most of the photos, is about 70 lbs, for a frame of
reference. Ursa is the smaller dog, and she's about 60 lbs.
It's a pretty straightforward implementation of the Ultimate Arcade
Cabinet II from
Cybertech Design
I went with the full-size cutout templates, which made life a whole lot
easier. We made some changes, for example, adding casters and just
putting a subwoofer port rather than a coin door in the front, since
this thing will never be a coin-accepting arcade game.
The control deck is a
Slikstik Quad. The
monitor is a Wells-Gardner
The internals are a P4 running at 1800Mhz, which is gross overkill for
what it needs to do. I'm using an ATI Radeon 7500 All-In-Wonder PCI
for the video interface, because it can generate all sorts of weird
dot clocks that can really drive that monitor at the frequencies of
the original games. I don't have that part working yet--I'm still
just using Mame32 and Daphne under WinXP at the moment.